Your assets are the valuable resources that enable you to run an efficient business. Augmenting those assets call for specialist solutions.

Why is Asset Management so Important?

Managing your business’s assets correctly is crucial for operational efficiency.


1. A company should be able to measure all their assets at any given time

Our Integrated Facility Management (IFM) Platform provides for physical  asset management at all times. Business owners must be aware of where their assets are situated and how they are being used. They should also know when changes are made to their assets and how to adjust themselves accordingly. The more efficient the management of assets is, the higher the yield can be. In other words, efficient solutions equate to higher returns.


2. Accuracy

Because assets are monitored regularly, they are more accurately recorded and this ensures financial statements are up to date and correct. When a development, change or query arises, all the answers to these questions are immediately available. Details of assets are presented in a succinct manner so that time and effort is minimal.

IFM Platform will allow you to accurately monitor, record and update your business assets.


3. Detecting potential risk

Sometimes risks occur when assets are utilized. When these risks are managed properly, foresight can save the day. Knowing where and when there is a potential risk means it is easier to grasp and control. When we know there is a storm approaching we are able to prepare.

Being able to detect potential risk is the first step in preventing it from happening.


4. Ghost assets

When damaged or stolen assets are overlooked and falsely appear in the books it causes inaccuracies and misinformation.  The IFM Platform Asset management solutions ensure that these lost items are recorded and monitored in the inventory.

Keep track of all your assets, even if they have been damaged or stolen.


Asset management and the technological future

The advancements in technology have changed the face of Asset Management and reshaped our organization skills for the better.

The massive transformation in the last 10 years has influenced the world of goods and services considerably. In numerous industries, analytics, data and digital applications have taken the place of middle men and substantially reduced costs. Ironically, this change has actually encouraged closer relationships between companies and consumers. Although asset management in particular has on the whole been slower than other industries to keep up with technologies, once they embrace the shift, advantages are clear. Significantly high profit margins have lessened the need for labour-intensive systems. Embracing the new technology is the way to go if you want to offer super efficient service and maximise on the asset’s potential and value.

ALCM Solutions offers the most efficient and advanced solutions to all your business decision making operations with precision and expertise, when you utilise our IFM Platform.

A range of diverse solutions to enhance your business


Health and Safety

A major aspect of running your business is managing potential risks. For this you need to know where the risks are.

  • With the latest technology, we are able to identify, assess and control risk factors
  • Permissions, permits, policies and planning
  • Tracking of staff training, skills and proficiency
  • Communication, collaboration and consultation
  • Logging of operations, tracking change
  • Accident and emergency response
  • Measuring improvement, investigating, monitoring

There is nothing more important than the health and safety of your employees.


Managing your Space

  • Mapping out of all your spaces and planning for future changes
  • Improving space efficiency by dividing it into departments or sections
  • Creating an inventory of spaces and keeping track of new trends
  • Visual representations of space that help department managers plan for the future
  • User friendly applications on mobile devices for quick and easy information access

Optimizing your workspace is essential for managing an organization’s cost of occupancy.


Energy Optimization

  • Managing energy to improve sustainability and reduce carbon emissions
  • Environmental data and analytics
  • Digitally calculating energy efficiency for new programs.
  • Monitoring facilities to improve sustainability
  • Measuring carbon emissions with accurate automation to help reduce costs
  • Measuring environmental sustainability to generate higher returns
  • Finding new opportunities to cut costs and enhance greener environmental strategies

Energy management is about benchmarking building performance to track sustainability goals.


Waste and toxic materials

  • Establishing the different types of waste, where they come from and how they behave in order to develop an efficient disposal or recycle method
  • Keeping tabs on waste tradespeople to make sure their practices are in accordance with legislations and policies
  • Checking the limits of waste at any point and making sure there are no toxins that are overlooked or neglected
  • Researching new innovative methods for recycling waste or inventing new uses for by-products
  • Keeping accurate records of new waste management targets to ensure that methods and strategies are always improving

Waste management is a complex but essential part of responsible management.


Real estate portfolios

  • Supervising and monitoring your organization’s real estate portfolio in the most accurate form in order to reach the highest performance possible. Analyzing data and information on future trends
  • Assisting with decision making in order to make more informed and calculated decisions within the property market
  • Hugely reducing administrative costs and time spent analyzing while  avoiding errors and inaccuracies

Your company’s real estate portfolio requires data analysis, supervision and constant monitoring.


Project Management

  • Formatting estimates and primary concerns in a user friendly way so that all departments have clarity and access
  • Keeping track of risks involved and aligning with objectives. In other words, keeping the eye on the ball
  • Keeping the balance between real and estimated results
  • Reporting on performance of different vendors
  • Continuous tracking and evaluation of projects and plans while keeping all the stakeholders informed
  • Enterprise Resource Planning

Every project is only as successful as what its planning process was.


Compliance and Risk Management

  • Monitoring all permits and licenses.
  • Formulating events calendars.
  • Summarizing compliance programs.
  • Creating visionary maps for compliance status.
  • Controlling floor plan requirements.
  • Keeping tabs on overdue work.

Property and facility professionals are responsible for providing safe, efficient, and productive work environments.


Green and Clean Building

  • Monitoring energy consumption and performance
  • Keeping score on carbon footprint
  • Keeping tabs on locations, update and inspection of materials
  • Evaluation the results of materials inspections
  • Creating a platform for environmental sustainability where certification is kept updated
  • Coordination, planning and handling of hazardous materials

A Green Building reduces or eliminates negative environmental impacts.


Optimizing Workspace with Hot Desking

  • Utilizing workspace in a more efficient manner
  • Collecting data in order to record usage of workspace
  • Using occupancy sensors to observe usage in real-time
  • Getting a better understanding of specifics of workspace usage
  • Coordinating meeting room facilities

Hot Desks are temporary workspaces for free-floating employees.


Why Technology Benefits your Workplace

Over the past decade, technology has changed our lives significantly. Both at work and at home, technological advancements have impacted us so greatly that today’s world is hardly recognizable to the people of advanced years. Just when we thought we could get a grip on our new reality, came the pandemic. Instability and less mobility became the new norm.

Technology became the solution for workers stuck at home and communication between employee and employer became a vital component. Here are some examples of how technology can improve your business.


Businesses who are not yet using technology are lagging behind. Today, every business has to keep up with technology in order to match or overtake their competitors.

It is not too late to join the trend and improve your position substantially.

The demands of consumers have changed and we can never stand still and expect to progress. Progress involves change and knowledge and awareness can assist us with this beneficial transition.

AI and automation enable you to climb to new heights when fulfilling the demands and requirements of consumers. When consumers are offered innovative and user-friendly solutions, they are happy and will become loyal customers and encourage their friends to join the trend too.

Automation is fast becoming a crucial part of every aspect of our lives.

Using these innovative applications will allow you to be in tune with competitors instead of being left behind in the old world of tedious administration and long winded systems.

Collaboration and Communication

Today’s new technology makes communication much more efficient especially when it is necessary to work remotely. Corporate collaboration becomes efficient and accurate when specific applications are created for specific purposes. Applications for conference calls, Zoom, chat, file sharing and productivity platforms all assist the communication process.


Cyber security has become much more complex and many sophisticated applications are created to help us tackle this invasion. Every company needs effective tools to cope with this intrusion. Employees need to be equipped with new knowledge and awareness as well as the latest tools in order to keep this negative intrusion under control.

Staying up to date with the latest in cyber security ensures the safety of your organization.

Productivity and efficiency

Rapid progress has been made in order to increase productivity and efficiency. All the measures that were once manually implemented are massively improved by the latest technology tools, systems and applications.

The use of these tools has enabled workers to focus more on the task at hand and they are now able to generate higher profits, faster.

Management technology tools such as our IFM platform have decreased human error and increased accuracy as well as saved time significantly.

Using our IFM Platform will increase your business’s productivity and efficiency in a number of crucial ways.


This sophisticated software has enabled real time data and analytics which transforms businesses into a position where any information about any facet of the company is available at any time.

ALCM solutions is at the forefront of this technology and offers the newest tools for all aspects of the company’s life cycle which is constantly moving forward into new domains and challenging realms.

Contact us today to set up a meeting where we can discuss how using our Integrated Facility Management Platform will help your business to run more efficiently.

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